I Must Tell Jesus - Piano collection
I Must Tell Jesus - Piano collection
Darcy Stanley is developing a justly-deserved reputation as a creative and thoughtful arranger, and these pieces do not disappoint. Focusing primarily on hymns of rejoicing and hymns of prayer, Darcy brings her considerable musical gifts to each page of music.These ten expressive arrangements can serve as preludes, offertories, or meditations. Not to be missed!Contents:Come, Christians, Join to Sing; Hiding in Thee; Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing; I Must Tell Jesus; O Worship the King; Be Thou My Vision; Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah; My Faith Looks Up to Thee; Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise; Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Difficulty Level: Moderately Advanced
Guitar: No
Publisher: Lorenz
Item No: 70/2371L
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