Fantastic Feet: Stepping Outside the Box
Fantastic Feet: Stepping Outside the Box
by Steve Fitch
A revolutionary new method that uses the double pedal for ALL drummers, helping their feet rival their hands with regard to speed, control and dexterity through the use of the F2F (foot-to-foot) system of footings.
Clearly graduated in three sections--For Feet Only, Hands and Feet Together, and Groove Studies, this unique approach helps drummers in all styles to improve their time, coordination, and stability on the drum kit by more closely equalizing the abilities of their hands and feet. It also helps double pedal players to develop the skills of today's top masters.
Lots of subdivisional shift studies to bolster reading skills and stimulate individual creativity and an extensive Foot Only section covering all of the major aspects of hand technique FOR THE FEET are also included in this very comprehensive book.
Product Number: 22024
Format: Book
Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Pages: 128
Binding: ebook
Size: 8.5 x 11
Date Published: 02_05_2010
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