Plugging In - A Guide to Gear and New Techniques for the 21st Century Violinist
Plugging In - A Guide to Gear and New Techniques for the 21st Century Violinist
by Joe Deninzon
Are you a violinist who is curious about "going electric" but have no idea where to begin? This book will walk you through the process of choosing an electric violin, shopping for an amplifier, and using effects pedals. The book also covers improvisation in the genres of blues, rock, and funk. Chopping and other rhythmic techniques for bowed string instruments are explored, as well as playing in a band, rock string arranging and working with DJs. "Plugging In" will open new worlds of creativity for you as a string player and help you find your own voice in this brave new world! Includes access to online audio and video.
Product Number: 22035M
Format: Book + Online Audio/Video
Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Pages: 112
Binding: Squareback Saddle Stiched
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
Date Published: 11_06_2017
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