Understanding the Tin Whistle - How to Learn by Ear and Play from Memory with Suggested Drills for Rapid Advancement
Understanding the Tin Whistle - How to Learn by Ear and Play from Memory with Suggested Drills for Rapid Advancement
by Stuart Esson
Unique among books on the whistle and Celtic music, this book takes the role of a personal tutor. It explains in detail the peculiarities of the instrument, the ancient modal scales the Irish tunes are based on, and offers a results-oriented program for quickly developing ability. As well it offers a practical method for developing breathing skills, something few books discuss. But what makes this book truly unique is the discussion of mnemonic techniques and analytical listening skills, which would make it an excellent resource for both parents and teachers. The author explains a simple, straightforward method of internalizing the old dance tunes of the session repertoire based on understanding the music's structure and the use of mnemonic cues.
Product Number: 30492
Format: Book
Skill Level: Beginning-Intermediate
Pages: 64
Binding: Saddle Stitched
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
Date Published: 12_29_2014
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