The Literate Bassist
The Literate Bassist
by Fred Paterno
We have all heard bass lines that literally make the song. The purpose of this book is to integrate sight-reading ability with the facility to create such original and memorable bass lines. The author includes studies and examples in rock, blues, jazz, reggae, funk, Calypso and other styles- all while imparting new playing skills and essential music theory.
This book is not a shortcut method, but rather offers a clear overall perspective of learning to play the bass in popular styles. The appendix includes information on key signatures, scale patterns, and a versatile chart of chord spellings from major triads to 13th chords. Written primarily in standard notation with a few fretboard scale diagrams, this book will give you the comprehensive fretboard knowledge and improved sight-reading ability you need to become The Literate Bassist you were meant to be!
Product Number: 93822
Format: Book
Skill Level: Intermediate
Pages: 80
Binding: Squareback Saddle Stiched
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
Date Published: 06_02_1982
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