You Can Teach Yourself Recorder
You Can Teach Yourself Recorder
by William Bay and Mike Buerk
William Bay teaches you in a step-by-step manner how to play the soprano or descant recorder. Time signatures, sharps and flats and all of the basic notes are taught. In addition, you will be able to play along with many great recorder songs, ranging in style from classic to Irish ballads to ragtime to jazz to blues! Learn over 70 recorder solos! This book is a complete guide to learning to play the recorder. The online audio recording features Mike Buerk performing the selections found in the book. Includes access to online audio and video.
Product Number: 94337M
Format: Book + Online Audio/Video
Skill Level: Beginning
Pages: 80
Binding: Squareback Saddle Stiched
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
Series: You Can Teach Yourself
Date Published: 12_22_2015
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