You Can Teach Yourself Uke
You Can Teach Yourself Uke
by William Bay
This book, and accompanying audio and video, are an easy and fun way to learn the uke. Based on C tuning, this text presents strum/sing-alongs in the keys of C, G, D, F, and B flat. The online video will teach you in a step-by-step manner, and provide hours of fun and enjoyment! The book contains 58 great, all-time favorite uke songs including Peg O' My Heart and Fascination. Includes access to online audio and video.
Product Number: 94809M
Format: Book + Online Audio/Video
Skill Level: Beginning
Pages: 96
Binding: Squareback Saddle Stiched
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
Series: You Can Teach Yourself
Date Published: 08_11_2015
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