Children's Tinwhistle Method
Children's Tinwhistle Method
by Mizzy McCaskill and Dona Gilliam
A well-written, easy, step-by-step method for learning tinwhistle. Contains big notes, illustrations, and a wealth of wonderful children's songs carefully scored and graded for the D tinwhistle. Written partially in easy-play notation, where the letter names of the notes are written inside the note heads, and partially in large standard notation. The play-along audio contains every song in the book and serves as a guide to insure accuracy of interpretation and ease of learning. All audio examples include solo whistle with multi-instrumental back-up. Includes access to online audio.
Product Number: 95305M
Format: Book + Online Audio
Skill Level: Beginning
Pages: 32
Binding: Saddle Stitched
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
Date Published: 09_15_2015
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