Trumpet Ballads
Trumpet Ballads
by William Bay
The trumpet can be a beautifully lyrical instrument. Often not enough emphasis is placed on making the instrument sing. The 20 ballads contained in this book are designed to develop a lyrical sense. Play the pieces in a relaxed and free manner. Avoid playing too loud. On these pieces, when in doubt, play a notch softer than you might think normal. Strive for long phrases and let the melodies sing freely from your trumpet. I think that if you play a number of these ballads as part of your daily practice you will see a definite growth in your ability to play in a beautifully free style.
Product Number: WBM18
Format: Book
Skill Level: Intermediate
Pages: 40
Binding: ebook
Size: 8.5 x 11
Date Published: 08_24_2015
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